blog tour in search of groupies
December 11, 2009
I'm taking this show on the road without having to change out of my pajamas - care to join me? Interweave Press has organized a fabulous blog tour to launch Sew Liberated: 20 Stylish Projects for the Modern Sewist! What's more, I won't be alone on this journey - I'm so excited to be touring with the super-awesome and amazingly talented Rashida Coleman-Hale, author of I Love Patchwork. The press release is below - read on to find out how you can win a copy of my book and host the final tour stop on your blog!
The Sew Liberated and I Love Patchwork Double-the-Fun Blog Tour: 2 Fabulous Sewing Authors, 2 New Books, 2 Weeks ‘til Christmas!
Interweave is thrilled to announce the publication of two
new contemporary sewing books: Rashida Coleman-Hale’s I LOVE PATCHWORK:
STYLISH PROJECTS FOR THE MODERN SEWIST. To celebrate in style, Meg and Rashida
are hitting the Internet highway on a double-author blog tour. Follow the
schedule and see gorgeous pictures from their books, learn more about their
design personalities, gain a chance to win free copies, and more! During
the tour they’ll also be giving us a glimpse of their home studios and
creative environment on the Studios blog, and at the end they’ll wrap it
up with a designer-to-designer conversation with each other on their personal
blogs, http://www.sewliberated.
Want to be a part of the tour? Here’s a fun giveaway open to all bloggers! Leave a comment ON THIS POST with your blog address on Rashida’s blog or Meg’s blog on Friday, Dec.11. On Monday, Dec. 14 at Noon EST each author will randomly draw one person from the comments to receive a complimentary copy of their book, which Interweave will air mail out. The winners will then have the opportunity to interview Rashida or Meg and post their interviews on January 4, 2010 as the capstone post of the tour.
Follow The Sew Liberated and I Love Patchwork Double-the-Fun Blog Tour at:
Friday, Dec. 11: Meg on (interview)
Saturday, Dec. 12: Rashida on “In the Studio with Cate” (studio tour)
Sunday, Dec. 13: Meg on “In the Studio with Cate” (studio tour)
Monday, Dec. 14: Rashida on (interview)
Tuesday, Dec. 15: Meg on (interview)
Wednesday, Dec. 16: Rashida on Fabric Shop Network blog (interview)
Thursday, Dec. 17: Meg on Grosgrain Fabulous (book review and giveaway)
Friday, Dec. 18: Rashida Twitter event – Noon EST on Twitter with @iheartlinen
Friday, Dec. 18 Meg on Living Life as Art (interview, review, and project)
Saturday, Dec. 19: Meg on (book review)
Sunday, Dec. 20: Rashida on Zakka Life (book review)
Monday, Dec. 21: Meg on Craftsanity (podcast interview)
Monday, Dec. 21: Rashida on Craft Critique (interview and book review)
Tuesday, Dec. 22: Rashida on all buttoned up (interview)
Wednesday, Dec. 23: Meg on maya*made (interview)
Thursday, Dec. 24: Designer-to-Designer: Rashida and Meg interview each other on
Monday, Jan. 4, 2010: Blog Tour Winners’ Posts - to be announced
That's all for today! My Mom (Finn's Mima) and my Aunt Pat arrive this evening to kick off a week of merry making, cookie baking, Christmas music listening, and last minute gift knitting and sewing! Throughout the blog tour I'll still be posting here regularly. Now? I had this crazy urge, in the midst of the book launch, to make a whole slew of pants for Finn. My serger is still reeling. More on that on Monday. Here's wishing you a jolly weekend!