tea time
August 26, 2011
Sometimes it's inside. Sometimes it's outside.
Sometimes it's picture-perfect, a la Little House on the Prairie. Sometimes it's more ... Adventures of Tom Sawyer-ish.
But we love our morning tea. Finn has always been a fan of herbal tea, and takes his with an ice cube and milk.
I happened upon this post and a light bulb went off in my head. This is just the activity we needed in order to smooth out that often chaotic period of time after breakfast when Patrick heads off to work and I am alone with a baby who needs to be fed and have his medicines and a toddler who needs my touch and attention before heading off for a long period of independent play.
As we let our tea steep, Finn picks a book and I ready Lachlan's morning meds. We all cuddle up on the couch - the baby drinking milk on one side, the toddler drinking tea on the other - and read. Book after book (or the same book, over and over again) until legs start wiggling, signaling the end of Tea Time and the beginning of Outside Play time.
He likes his morning tea, that Finn McElwee. A true Irishman.